St. John's West Bend provides ever expanding opportunities for people to receive and provide care as we navigate the joys and challenges of life together. Below are some of our Care Ministries overseen by Pastor Jeff Hesse and Pastor Stephen Reynolds.
Each year our Card Ministry meets make several hundred handmade cards for members of St. John’s who are sick, hospitalized, celebrating anniversaries and baptisms, in military service, or shut-in. If you have an artistic flare and would like to join the card ministry, contact Pam Muther.
St. John’s has partnered with two counseling services in our community to provide care for members in need. These licensed Christian counseling services provide access to quick, effective, cost free, short-term counseling, supported by offerings to Care Ministry. As needed, these services can also engage in a long-term counseling relationship supported by the member’s insurance. For more information on how we can assist people looking for professional care, please contact the church office.
St. John’s provides regular visits to our members who are hospitalized. Our team of pastors and lay leaders are scheduled to provide daily visits to those at St. Joe’s in West Bend. Our team also schedules visits for those who are hospitalized elsewhere. If you anticipate a hospitalization, please contact the church office at (262) 334-4901, as we have no other way of knowing who among us is hospitalized. For more information on how you might serve as a hospital visitor, please contact the church office.
The Ladies Aid actively serves by providing meals for families following funeral services. This service group meets on the first Thursday of each month from 11:00 AM–2:00 PM in the lower level fellowship hall for a time of food, fellowship, devotional time, and a variety of activities. For more information, contact Joanne Johnson.
St. John’s has an active Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) group that meets on the second Monday of the month in the church’s lower level fellowship hall. Check out the e-letter or APP for the most up-to-date information detailing the time of the monthly meeting. The LWML is a registered service organization of the LCMS. They meet for fellowship, Bible study, mission efforts, and information on Zone 5 activities on the district and national levels, and service projects. For more information, contact Pam Muther.
Our meal ministry provides meals to families within our congregation who are in need of extra, short term care. For instance, meals are frequently provided by our meal ministry for people returning home from a hospitalization, or after a death or birth in the family. Meals are usually prepared on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Anyone interested in serving in this ministry should contact Cindy Tavidian. If you are in need of meals, please contact the church office.
If you or a loved one are experiencing memory loss, or if you have any questions about what to look for and available resources, please visit one of the links below for helpful, local information regarding the journey of memory loss for individuals and their families.
Our team of quilters meet each Monday at 9:30 AM in the lower fellowship hall to make quilts that are sent out to people in need around the world. For more information on the Quilters Ministry, contact Cathy Berndt.
Situations in life sometimes make it impossible for people to attend worship. The aging process, sickness, disabilities, and other challenges can prevent one from receiving God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament. To help our members stay connected to the Lord and the Church, our pastors and lay leaders provide monthly visits in which they bring God’s Word, prayer, the Lord’s Supper, and fellowship. If you are unable to attend worship due to a life challenge, please contact the church office.
Stephen Ministers at St. John’s reach out with God’s love to people going through times of change or uncertainty. For more information, please view our Stephen Ministry page.
The St. John’s West Bend Transportation Ministry provides assistance for members in need of transportation to church or Bible study on a regular or occasional basis within a reasonable distance from the church. If you have a transportation need or would like to serve as a driver, please call the church office.
If you would like more information about any of our Care Ministries, please call the St. John’s West Bend church office or email us through our Contact Us Form.