St. John's Foundation Logo



How are you doing in your household planning in case the Lord calls you to Himself in heaven? The truth is that if you don’t legally document your wishes, bad things can happen with ugly, unintended consequences.

St. John’s Lutheran Church and our School/ECC Ministries has partnered with our St. John’s West Bend Foundation to offer you an important Faith-Based Estate Planning Workshop.

What: Faith-Based Estate Planning Workshop

Where: St. John’s West Bend Church Sanctuary

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Time: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Craig Toerpe and Pastor Jeff Hesse will be partnering on this educational workshop for the 3rd time. Craig works for the LCMS Foundation helping families accomplish their family estate planning goals. Craig will be leading the workshop to help you learn the important things you need to take action.

This event is free and childcare is available. Click here to register.

  • Dave Schmidt

    Dave Schmidt - President

  • Steven Kaphingst

    Steven Kaphingst - Chairman

  • Rich Buss - Vice Chairman

    Rich Buss - Vice Chairman

  • Pastor Jeff Hesse

    Pastor Jeff Hesse - Treasurer/Pastoral Liaison

  • Julie Buss - Secretary

    Julie Buss - Secretary

  • Dan Rudolf - Leadership Board Liaison

    Dan Rudolf - Leadership Board Liaison

  • Karen Schmidt

    Karen Schmidt

  • Dale Wunder

    Dale Wunder

  • Monica Wunder

    Monica Wunder

The role of the St. John’s West Bend Foundation is one of connections. These connections set the groundwork for not only our current St. John’s mission of Connecting, Caring, and Sharing in Christ, but also connecting the future of St. John’s. The Foundation assists in creating a real, relevant, and relational focused St. John’s community in which discipleship is celebrated and stewardship training is provided and shared. The foundation is committed to educate and walk alongside families to develop a Lifetime Stewardship Plan, which includes establishing: Budgets, Wills, Living Trusts, Guardianship for Minors, Powers of Attorney, Protecting Assets to Bless both Family and Ministry at Large.

Visit our Stewardship page for information about Estate Planning, Financial Crisis Intervention, and Financial Education.

As the Foundation was established to advance the mission and ministry of St. John’s above and beyond the normal general budget of the congregation, the Foundation seeks gifts, contributions, donations, and bequests. Contributions to the Foundation can be directed to five areas of ministry:

  • Missions

  • Christian Education and Discipleship

  • Campus Care

  • Partners in Ministry

  • Board Designated

At all times the Foundation acts as a trusted fiduciary in managing gifts and assets to accomplish the donor’s intent and congregational objectives. If you are thinking about your family legacy or just have some general questions regarding St. John’s West Bend Foundation, you are encouraged to speak with Pastor Jeff Hesse.

Foundation Board Members are Dave Schmidt (President), Steven Kaphingst (Chairman), Rich Buss (Vice-Chairman), Pastor Jeff Hesse (Treasurer/Pastoral Liaison), Julie Buss (Secretary), Dan Rudolf (Leadership Board Liaison), Marilyn Holmquist, Karen Schmidt, Dale Wunder, and Monica Wunder.

St John’s West Bend Foundation Video