At St. John’s, we believe God has called us to lead in our personal households and our congregational household; we lead in the larger church, in our communities, and in the world. We proclaim three basic truths: It’s all His, He saves, and His will is what’s best for us.
Disciples are those who have been called by and follow Christ. We believe that the work of discipleship does not stop at the sanctuary doors. Discipleship happens everywhere: in homes, at work, in the classroom, at the park, in the hospital, at the store, and at times when we least expect it.
Discipleship in as Many Places as Possible becomes visible and real as the family of St. John’s lives out the mission of Connecting, Caring, and Sharing in Christ.
CONNECTING IN CHRIST: Celebrating the gifts given in baptism, we joyfully connect with the Lord’s Word and Sacraments along with others of all ages.
CARING IN CHRIST: Receiving forgiveness and other expressions of the Lord’s care, we are used as vessels of His care for others experiencing brokenness and sorrow.
SHARING IN CHRIST: Beneficiaries of Christ’s holiness by grace, we share the Lord’s victory and God’s desire that all would share in Christ’s holiness through faith.
God’s family, here at St. John’s, lives out the vision and mission by seeking relationships through a life of discipleship and following eight promises of grace, knowing that following these promises can only happen because of the strength God gives us through His Word and Sacrament, trusting in His hope and forgiveness when we fall short.
Joyfully celebrate the gifts of forgiveness of sins and eternal life, which God gave us in our baptism,
Openly proclaim to others our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as expressed in the words of the Apostles’ Creed,
Be steadfast in prayer,
Daily oppose the devil and all sinful influences around us and from within us,
Be loyal to our church family and her teachings,
Declare the Scriptures to be the inerrant inspired Word of God,
Ongoing spiritual growth through regular/faithful worship, reception of Holy Communion, and Bible Study,
Serve our Lord with the time, talents, and resources He gives us within our church family and within His church at large.
Members and leaders of God’s Household at St. John’s live out our mission and vision through the relationships that God has given us. We make a promise, as baptized members of Christ’s Church, represented by the congregation known as St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of West Bend, WI, and, in addition, having been taught the Christian Faith as expressed in Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, we commit ourselves to the accomplishment of our Lord’s Great Commission, knowing that our commitment depends fully upon the strength God fives us daily through his means of Grace (Word and Sacrament) and trusting in His forgiveness when we fall short.
View our Leadership Covenant and Relationship Covenant.