At St. John’s West Bend, stewardship is more than just turning in an offering envelope when we attend worship. That’s why we offer services such as Estate Planning, Financial Crisis Intervention, and Financial Education.
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) defines stewardship as, “the free and joyous activity of the child of God, and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purpose.”
However, sometimes it is hard to manage all of life and life’s resources given to us by God. In fact, some may ask, what does this even mean? Are we living within our means or spending constantly with no budget to keep us in check? Have we created a will for our self, spouse, and family, or is that something we are going to let the legal system decide? What about when we are experiencing a financial crisis? Who do you turn to? These are great questions to wrestle with because this begins to help us understand how large this stewardship conversation really is.
The St. John’s Foundation works to educate and walk alongside families to develop a lifetime stewardship plan. We engage in conversations to help plan and establish a budget, a Christian will/trust, legal guardians, power of attorney, family Blessing/preamble, and provide counsel to protect and bless family and ministry with assets. These conversations help to prepare you when you sit down and meet with an attorney and/or your financial advisor. If you would like more information or just have some general questions regarding stewardship, you are encouraged to call the church office and speak with Pastor Jeff Hesse.
Trained staff and volunteers at St. John’s work with families to evaluate current financial situations and identify practical ways to manage God’s resources, establish a budget, connect to other St. John’s ministries, refer to community resources, etc. We also have a confidential “Care and Share” fund which has been established to help members with emergency needs. All conversations are confidential.
Trained staff and volunteers hold individual meetings and host educational opportunities through Financial Peace University, to assist in managing God’s resources.
If you would like more information regarding stewardship, you are encouraged to call the church office and speak with Pastor Jeff Hesse or use our Contact Us Form.